Once your 14-days Free Trial is over, you will need to select a plan. In order to select your plan, go to Profile on your Ship&co dashboard and select your plan - either Pay-as-You-Go or Monthly Value Plan. For Monthly Value Plan, select your estimated monthly shipment volume to select a plan that is suitable for you.
For large customers shipping more than 3,000 shipments per month, please contact us directly at hello@shipandco.com, to tailor a plan that is best for your business’ needs.
How billing is calculated
For the Pay-as-You-Go plan, you will be charged based on the number of shipments that you make on Ship&co. At the end of each month’s billing cycle, we calculate your billing based on your actual shipment volumes for the month.
For the Monthly Value plan, you will be charged monthly fees for the plan, which entitles you to a corresponding shipment volume each month. The monthly fees varies depending on the shipment volume you select. At the end of each month’s billing cycle, we calculate your actual shipment volumes for the month, and if your volume is above the shipment volumes of your plan, we will charge additional fees for any additional shipments. But rest assured, we will only charge the discounted per shipment rate for additional shipments, and not any higher rate.
You will be able to check the exact pricing for each plan based on the currency of your choice, on your Ship&co dashboard during plan selection or change.
Please note that your month invoice will include a separate line item for tax applicable, charged on top of the shipment fees.
When billing takes place
The day when you first select your plan is the first day of your monthly billing cycle. This applies to all new customers, as well as for existing customers who joined before March 21, 2019, and are migrating from any existing plan used prior to March 21, 2019.
For all plans, we will bill you once a month to your registered credit card.
Please note, however, that the timing of when you will be billed varies depending on your plan.
For the Pay-as-You-Go plan, billing takes place at the end of your monthly billing cycle, based on your actual shipment volumes.
For Monthly Value plan, you will be billed for your monthly fees at the beginning of your monthly billing cycle. Any additional fees for additional shipments for the month above your monthly shipment volume will be billed at the start of the next billing cycle. For example, if you select the ¥8,000 Monthly Value Plan (with 500 monthly shipments) on March 25, 2019, you will be charged ¥8,000 on March 25, 2019. During the month, if you make 600 shipments, you will be charged on April 25, 2019 (the start of your next billing cycle), ¥8,000 as well as ¥1,600 (for the 100 additional shipments, at ¥16 per shipment). (*Prices stated exclude tax)
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