The delivery signature option is an additional paid service provided by each shipping company, where you can request a signature of receipt from the consignee at the time of delivery.
If you wish to add a delivery signature option for DHL, UPS or FedEx, please see the following details. Shipping carriers will charge an additional fee for this optional service. Charges depend on your contract with each carrier and vary depending on your country.
You can either add this option manually each time on the Order page, or set to have this ticked by default on the Settings page.
DHL: When you create a DHL shipping label with "Signature required" option ticked, DHL will obtain the signature of the consignee or a representative at the delivery address. This is a paid option. When this option is applied, you will see the additional fee for this on the shipping rate comparison page in Ship&co. Please make sure not to tick this option, if you do not want the paid option. If it is unticked, your country's default service style will be applied by DHL. Please see this article for details about DHL Delivery Signature options.
Adult Signature Required for DHL is not yet supported in Ship&co.
UPS: Signature Required: UPS will obtain the recipient's signature and provide you with a printed copy. You may also view the recipient's signature online.
Adult Signature for UPS is not yet supported in Ship&co.
FedEx: Ship&co support Indirect, Direct and Adult Signature requested services for FedEx.
When Signature Required is selected on the order page, the system will use the Signature option selected in the FedEx window settings. Please see this article for details about FedEx Delivery Signature options.
Note that DHL, FedEx and UPS also provide a free-of-charge signature at delivery in some cases, depending on your country. You don't need to tick the option in Ship&co for it. Please ask your shipping carrier about signature services provided for more details.
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