TA-Q-BIN Time Service is a delivery service to pick up the parcels by the evening and delivery by 10:00 am the following morning. This is a speedy and on-time delivery from Kuroneko Yamato, with a variety of shipping methods such as air freight.
How to ship with TA-Q-BIN Time Service
To create shipping label and ship with TA-Q-BIN Time Service (宅急便タイムサービス), follow these steps:
- Go to Orders Page.
- Select your order.
- In Parcels section, select Yamato B2 and set up the following topics:
- Service type: select Time from the pull-down menu.
Delivery hour: set up the delivery hour from the available list.
- Before 10:00am
- Before 5:00pm
- Delivery date: set up the delivery date for your shipment.
- Qty.: select the number of parcels if you want to ship multi-parcels with TA-Q-BIN Time Service.
- In Option section, set up the following topics:
- Fragile
- This side up
- Service type: This option is set by default as Regular.
Note: TA-Q-BIN Time Service cannot be shipped with Cool TA-Q-BIN option.
- Click Printer (🖨️) button located in the bottom right-hand corner.
Now, the shipping label for TA-Q-BIN Time Service has been successfully issued.
Sample of Shipping Label
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