The error messages such as "Incomplete commodity description" or "The description for commodity 1 is vague and is not allowed." show up upon creating FedEx international shipments when the product name (category name) isn't accepted by FedEx.
These "Vague Commodity descriptions" are not accepted by some customs for clearance. It's recommended to use precise description, as well as a HS code when shipping internationally.
Customs clearance delays may result if the contents are not completely and accurately described. Please refer to this page to see how to set up your commodity descriptions (product types).
Example of "vague commodity names":
"Bag": bag is incomplete. You should specify the type of bag and its material.
"Clothes": an acceptable description would be "Men's T-shirts cotton".
"Printed Material": an acceptable description would be "Printed instruction manual for Microwave oven".
"Sample": an acceptable description would be the exact type of product and its material.
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